Sample the Work

An issue of The Lumberyard, a beautiful letterpress literary journal from Typecast Publishing, featuring my poem "Outside Atlantic City."

Books by Erin Keane

Memoir in Essays: Runaway: Notes on the Myths that Made Me (Belt Publishing, 2022)

Essays and Poems, Edited by Erin: The Louisville Anthology (Belt Publishing, 2020)

Poems: Demolition of the Promised Land (Typecast Publishing, 2014, out of print)

Poems: Death-Defying Acts (WordFarm, 2010, out of print)

Poems: The Gravity Soundtrack (WordFarm, 2007, out of print)

Selected Essays

Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ ‘Heads Will Roll’ and the Monsters of Influence” (March Danceness Tournament, 2024)

Fantasia on the Dance Floor: Limahl and Miracles of ‘The Neverending Story‘” (March Fadness Tournament, 2023)

Notes on ‘E.T.,’ now that we are both in our 40s

There Are Many Atlantic Cities, and One Belongs to Levon Helm” (March Faxness Tournament, 2022)

Married at 15, or How he met my mother

Greetings from Tatooine, Arizona

Food and Spirits Writing

The Oracle Pour: A Salon column about cocktails, mindfulness, and life. Ask the Oracle: “What should I drink today?”

“Order the green milk at Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge — it tastes better than nostalgia”

“A vegetarian goes to Transylvania: The case for breaking meat rules on vacation”

“Bar fight: In Puerto Rico, elite bartenders rum-ble in a cocktail mix-off”


These Miracles Work: A Hold Steady Podcast, by Sean Cannon and Erin Keane

In 2008, The Hold Steady released the seminal album “Stay Positive.” This is the story of that record, how things changed for the band, and how they recaptured that magic 10 years later.

Selected poems: 

When I Tell You the Taco Bell Is Haunted Now,” HAD

Brewing Kombucha In Your Home Kitchen,” Still

The Living Dead,” The Collagist

A Supermarket in New Jersey,” “Las Meninas,” and “Decomposition Studies,” Pinwheel

Derby Day Rites,Velocity

Arts and Culture Writing

Work for 

Writing portfolio